Saturday, October 13, 2007

kazebre bebados 15/09/07 part 02

Duration: 02:15 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-17 00:07:57
User: guto1300
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Mais alguns momentos dos bebados no kazebre....

Re: Getting to Know YOU...TUBE!

Duration: 05:34 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-22 14:31:14
User: EmoKidsNeverProsper
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My answers to the Getting to know You... Tube! questions...


live2dance97 ::: Favorites
FYI: your a little late the winners were announced like a month ago but good video lol remote island
07-09-22 16:58:00

鬼话连篇-怨恨重生 Part 5/5

Duration: 09:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-30 23:41:25
User: kongjunkiet
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鬼话连篇-怨恨重生 Part 5/5

Raptors Intro 2007 (vs Pistons in April)

Duration: 03:42 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-04 00:31:38
User: bugleboy6
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there is fire, dancers,and a drumline!

Tail Wagging Kitty

Duration: 00:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-23 00:30:26
User: Catweedhigh
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Rear end view of Deaf Miss Daisy's switching tail. A soberer person than I would have taken heed the warning of a cat's waving tail.

[MAD] ドラえもんは帰らない(エアーマンが倒せない替え歌)

Duration: 04:41 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-03 10:18:07
User: strohm
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[MAD] ドラえもんは帰らない(エアーマンが倒せない替え歌)

propper old school acid house rave tunes part 6

Duration: 05:15 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-24 16:03:29
User: DJmisplacedmarbles
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check my other vids.. in this vid you get two of my favorites..... hardcore uproar - high on hope and better day. certainly does....... feel good to be on one again! every week mate every week! samples EVER period!! go see illegal blackburn rave videos on youtube and you will hear where the samples originally came from this one goes out to my x you know who you are !!


drskosha ::: Favorites
I hear some good vinyl, yet that is not acid in its original form, but he man is good. x
07-10-06 20:07:59
DJmisplacedmarbles ::: Favorites
thanks for the kind words yeah I know its not in its original form ....its just that was the way we described the warehouse party music in the uk back in the day I hope you are not too disappointed if you where expecting some pure full on acid tracks...if you are I am sincerely sorry. this is part 6 of an on going set of mixes have a look at the other videos I've done ..might be some tunes you like in them
07-10-09 04:05:21
DJmisplacedmarbles ::: Favorites there anything in particular you where looking for ?? peace and love :-)
07-10-09 04:06:05
DJmisplacedmarbles ::: Favorites
brettland , I searched the acen tune out ( thanks fivedinners ) and it sound nowt like it mate ?!
07-09-28 18:41:00
fivedinners ::: Favorites
Man this is old old school lovin it!
07-09-28 05:04:15
DJmisplacedmarbles ::: Favorites
nice 1
07-10-03 14:14:43
fivedinners ::: Favorites
check my channels favorites for trip 2 the moon mate enjoy
07-09-28 05:03:35
TheMadFerret ::: Favorites
High on Hope, what a fuckin' tune!!!
07-09-26 17:50:13
DJmisplacedmarbles ::: Favorites
innit just
07-09-26 18:50:39
silvialain ::: Favorites
Takes 2 weeks of total illness , you will eat everything that comes in your direction , will be angry at everybody , shake all the time , nervously (At least that was my experience) I smoked 15 years plusmin. I quit now 3 years. My girlfriend helped me
07-09-25 04:17:37


Duration: 01:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-03 06:35:53
User: strohm
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【MAD】冥王計画リリカルなのはStrikerS PROJECT II 冥王謀り編

Duration: 03:07 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-25 22:45:59
User: uncommonideas
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【MAD】冥王計画リリカルなのはStrikerS PROJECT II 冥王謀り編

Halo 3

Duration: 03:24 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-29 22:10:03
User: friskhole102
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deew bam bam BOOOOM!!!


lildavieboy2007 ::: Favorites
bee dan bom du bumm du bumm da deeem da cam. maybe jordan..
07-10-01 01:25:14
togotome12345 ::: Favorites
Crazy lol
07-09-30 04:31:34

Uncle Jay Explains the News - September 24, 2007

Duration: 03:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-23 18:31:50
User: UncleJayExplains
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This week, Uncle Jay helps you understand "blogs." How can you tell the difference between (a) Amateur blogs that are biased and undependable, and (b) Solid, professional JOURNALISTS that are biased and undependable? Uncle Jay shows you!


kidrad1 ::: Favorites
He listed my fave site Lileks. At 2:10 That guy is not political at all.........
07-10-08 20:07:56
TantrooM ::: Favorites
No, it was a joke that Uncle Jay Explains the NEWS... and he was talking about BLOGS... A log is not a news story and therefore the premise of explaining a blog in a skit that says it explains the news was confusing. Unless he's saying blogs are news. Sorry I had to spell it out for you.
07-09-30 18:45:28
russ1951 ::: Favorites
Obviously TantrooM is spending to much time on the Kos site... Uncle Jay is obviously a LIBTARD MORON!
07-09-29 10:45:31
QuartuvLarry ::: Favorites
Interesting...way to play the middle, Jay
07-09-28 14:02:25
pafriedl ::: Favorites
Journalists check facts, carefully write, and don't inject their own opinions? Obviously Uncle Jay won't (or can't) read the NYT or the LA Times.
07-09-28 09:09:22
hiddennook ::: Favorites
I guess you can't say he discriminates against one group, since he treats everyone equally by putting down all. Heh!
07-09-28 00:23:25
zoromaskcoming ::: Favorites
Very funny video, and also it is so true, regardless of our preferences of the site mentioned.
07-09-27 23:25:33
blogagog ::: Favorites
From the vid: "Some blogs have comments from readers who know even less and write even worse." Worser. It's 'worser'.
07-09-27 20:11:32
mayalove ::: Favorites
I laughed at this, but frankly, I prefer the blogosphere. Not all of them are scumbags.
07-09-27 19:06:15
clemtoe ::: Favorites
you have the power of the funny!
07-09-27 18:58:22

鬼话连篇-怨恨重生 Part 2/5

Duration: 09:09 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-28 12:42:57
User: kongjunkiet
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鬼话连篇-怨恨重生 Part 2/5

Drop Trapping Feral Cats for TNR

Duration: 01:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-20 00:06:04
User: Catweedhigh
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Use of a drop trap, can allow one to target adult reproducing age cats in a colony first. This can be beneficial in allowing a person to quickly contain the reproduction of a colony, getting females and adult males fixed first, and catching the teens and kittens later. A drop trap can also be used to catch any cats left unfixed in large colonies where most cats are already fixed. One simply releases cats that are already fixed.


Catweedhigh ::: Favorites
Thank you, shohom67
07-09-23 02:41:47
shohom67 ::: Favorites
Great work!
07-09-20 14:27:39