Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Horrific Satanist Music & Cause of rapid spread of satanism

Duration: 03:38 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-21 01:54:07
User: footage123
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SATANISM: SATAN'S BLOODY TEACHING-4 Satanism...The dark road to hell... It is the way chosen by those whom the devil has led astray and have now become his disciples. In this film you will not only see the dark history of Satanism but also witness the bloody alliance between it and other philosophies like atheism and materialism. You will see how they cooperate with one another to divert human beings from the way of God and deceive them with empty promises in order to make them spend their eternal lives in hell.


jofo817 ::: Favorites
My Pet GOAT 911 < Goats and Satanism
07-10-24 11:20:05
EniesLobby ::: Favorites
I haven't laughed so hard in years. Are there no unbiased people left in our world?
07-10-23 22:21:16
bayconman ::: Favorites
manson is such a badass
07-10-23 19:27:48
daraptor0 ::: Favorites
This movie is retarded, Satan FTW 666 23
07-10-21 22:21:53
p717 ::: Favorites
This video is not from a Christian perspective. It's from a Muslim one. Not that it matters, but yes, you get the same bigotry from the Middle East as well as the West.
07-10-21 18:18:04
VampiricGenocide ::: Favorites
OH GIVE ME A BREAK this is such non-sense i'm not even going to put up an argument...
07-10-19 12:51:14
xXLarkaXx ::: Favorites
I hope that this person is shot in the abdomin so that he can bleed to death, slowly and painfully. T_T
07-10-18 18:35:47
rhdinah ::: Favorites
It is amazing how ignorant and shallow-thinking Christian believers are ... this mindless propaganda is directed at just those ... more mindless people ... I hope the announcer got paid enough to do this ... how does he sleep at night promulgating such tripe?
07-10-18 00:08:50
discorecords ::: Favorites
YOU'rE All GoING to HeLL!!!!! SEE YOU THERE!!!
07-10-17 23:57:11
TheNEED4Speed93 ::: Favorites
lol... they blame Cradle of Filth, then show manson's music vids and claim he's their singer.... funny shyt! The time has come to REPENT! That's what I'm talkin' about.
07-10-17 22:23:13

Día da Patria Galega

Duration: 03:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-18 18:30:59
User: andressolo
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O Frente de Libertaçom do Grelo (F.L.G.) convoca aos galegos e galegas o 25 de Julho para reivindicares a volta da Galiza ao seu estado original com a súa dieta particular e enxebre: umha Galiza, umha naçom, umha ilha independente habitada por ávidos comedores de grelos e nabizas.


cycyvaz ::: Favorites
Viu só meu amigo como a vida imita a arte. Você brincando ficou igual ao Padre Quevedo que é super famoso no Brasil!!!!
07-10-02 20:54:16
andressolo ::: Favorites
Mas eu não falo assim, cycyvaz. Estou de brincadeira! Povre padre Quevedo! haha!
07-10-02 17:42:52
cycyvaz ::: Favorites
menino aqui no Brasil tem um padre espanhol que fala igualzinho voce , chama-se Padre Quevedo!
07-10-02 15:45:42
DRoBeR ::: Favorites
"F L G O goberno galaico xa!" tiñas que engadir un "hahAHahAHahahahah!" coma de tolo. Entón sería a crema xD Un saúdo!
07-09-19 15:37:05
andressolo ::: Favorites
SkratchD, es un reformista! Queres ter aos españois fedendo aí á outra beira dos Ancares? Ese fedor que hemanan as linguas castigadas pola ira de Deus... ese fedor que as distingue das linguas benditas, coma o galego. E só tes que ver videos informativos coma "História da Galiza" que che explican isto ben. Galiza e Cíes e Ons e Arousa... forman o Galiarquipélago. Saudos isleños (illeños?)!
07-09-10 18:03:46
SkratchD ::: Favorites
Este carallo e' do mellor que ouvi na miña..........mais iso da Galicia sendo unha ilha......Deus, Deus....non gostaria moito!!!!! Eu xeralmente non son cidadano de ilha.....gosto mais da peninsula e poder ir na estrada a Portugal cando se ten que ir :-)
07-09-10 17:40:14
pepeop81 ::: Favorites
jajajaja franqusta duracell jajaja XD
07-08-29 17:30:11
1000primaveras ::: Favorites
07-08-09 05:21:12
andressolo ::: Favorites
Onde estabas, HeavyRed?! Eu alí xogando o pelexo cuns grelos na man, incluso grabando un video, e ti e os demáis escaquexados deixándome só ante a masa de reformistas neurótico-galeguistas!! Ao millor estabas de incóñito e non te recoñecín. Busquei algo vermello e pesado pero só vin un camión de bombeiros. A próxima vez, todas as tropas unidas! E cantaremos: "O grelo cocido está pra ser comido!!"
07-07-26 11:38:53
vincenzolaguardia ::: Favorites
"¡Alicia Baby, poder copular!" ¡Berrado en Ortigueira, ante a indignada olhada de folkeiros emporrados!
07-07-25 06:53:07

Kuky Ya No

Duration: 04:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-14 09:24:56
User: machetemiami
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Kuky Ya No from her self titled debut


depende74 ::: Favorites
cool kuky i love this mamacita
07-10-20 22:41:23
1girlunderhiphop410 ::: Favorites
07-10-20 18:18:48
dyablo240sx ::: Favorites
07-10-13 17:33:57
chuchamadre507 ::: Favorites
kien es ella ???
07-08-24 22:48:50
Jcenalover54 ::: Favorites
this song is dedicated to all the guys out there that like to mess with girls this is what is going to happen to guys soon if the act like this.
07-07-15 17:03:10
guzlite ::: Favorites
muy bonita voz
07-07-15 16:10:38
ilylaffylaffy ::: Favorites
omg i love this song it rocks so much its all so true to!!!! :} ;] :]
07-07-08 20:43:27
huisho818 ::: Favorites
Eye Candy.. 818..
07-06-14 18:36:33
gumba4rmvh1 ::: Favorites
no es mexicana her parents are mexican
07-05-30 19:35:27
Mileyxoxotqm ::: Favorites
me encanta esta canción
07-05-29 20:46:25

Justin and Britney

Duration: 07:19 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-07-08 14:44:44
User: crazi4chicanos
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Justin and Britney ok enjoy the video. dont post any spam or chain letter crap cuz i will block you and deleate your comment. and try not to have comment fights people! its just a movie! any questions, dont hesitate to message me.


crazi4chicanos ::: Favorites
lol yea pretty much. :[
07-10-24 18:53:44
godless66600 ::: Favorites
Since they broke-up she lost it dont you think?
07-10-24 09:13:54
crazi4chicanos ::: Favorites
lol i like your reason for her breakdown the best. :]
07-10-24 08:30:01
godless66600 ::: Favorites
This is the real reason why Britney has lost her mind, Justin is no longer her side and she really loved him, she took it so hard her life hasn't been the same since they broke-up.
07-10-24 01:42:57
PolskaChicka ::: Favorites
oh my god they belong together they are a drem the best love pair i knew ever wow !!! kisses from germany
07-10-20 07:43:49
badstop ::: Favorites
omg omg look look at justin and britney when they were babys ohhhhhh soo cuteeeee
07-10-19 22:39:50
mein2300k665 ::: Favorites
Cute clip. Try _GREATTIMEZ.COM_ for naughty camgirls
07-10-19 20:47:47
joiedevivre6 ::: Favorites
if only she wanted to be saved...
07-10-13 03:02:02
astoncina ::: Favorites
07-10-10 04:04:37
imstillalive03 ::: Favorites
they suck and they are over...only justin is cool britney sucks !!!
07-10-08 10:19:05

Come Together - A John Lennon Tribute

Duration: 02:06 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-07 12:57:16
User: PaperbackWriter95
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For and Special Thanks to papermariofreak64, who requested this video in the first place (and helped me direct it).


euterpe42 ::: Favorites
Nice shot of Strawberry Fields...where's the Lennon statue though? It's not in Central Park as well is it?
07-09-30 00:00:40
AmazonProdutions ::: Favorites
What is that in 1:16?
07-07-06 17:16:07
BeatleStoneStripe ::: Favorites
Lovley. This, out of my many fav Beatle songs, is the one that tops them.
07-06-27 13:31:20
AmazonProdutions ::: Favorites
07-06-14 22:23:16
sgtpeppered ::: Favorites
07-04-17 07:23:43
labriefanau ::: Favorites
Nice one RIP John!
07-03-08 07:28:26
papermariofreak64 ::: Favorites
IT CAME OUT PERFECTLY! Nice job ;P and I'm papermariofreak64.
07-02-08 00:52:03
cky02k ::: Favorites
nice video...who is papermario??
07-02-07 20:05:11

the love i found in you

Duration: 03:13 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-30 00:40:37
User: cezsabio
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Romantic love song


xxjeduthngurlxx97 ::: Favorites
great song! it touches my soul!
07-10-16 22:30:57
zhalmhel20March2007 ::: Favorites
OMG I LOVE IT,AMAZING, kakakilabot- ATE am happy natagpuan mo na siya. LOVE YOU.
07-10-11 14:04:13
brenzt ::: Favorites
I LOVE YOU honey... this song is for you...
07-10-07 07:17:38
sangbird19 ::: Favorites
i really love this song too.
07-10-06 17:04:17
brenzt ::: Favorites
i really love this song
07-09-21 05:55:27
crazyshy84 ::: Favorites
everythings good exept the timing for the lyrics about 3 seconds slow but then againg it might just be my computer thats doing that
07-09-10 16:21:16
wojwoj17 ::: Favorites
i remember my Baby... ^_^
07-08-05 22:46:47
lorelyn1980 ::: Favorites
I love jim brickmans music
07-08-03 23:16:22
bubulie815 ::: Favorites
lyrics of the song was well written..every one can relate..LOVE IT!
07-07-16 19:18:01
kooljaden ::: Favorites
cry everytime i listen to this song so beautiful... i love it a lot...
07-06-12 15:30:40

Rosas Pandan Performance

Duration: 03:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-19 12:07:31
User: kingsfreakmarz14
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"Rosas Pandan" arr. George Hernandez Performed by the 06-07 Christian Brothers High School Choir in Sacramento, California.


lexstaliones ::: Favorites
You have a great conductor too. His body movement while conducting the choir really adds beauty to the cadence of the song. Great job.
07-10-23 03:50:50
lexstaliones ::: Favorites
Beautiful!!! I grew up in the island of Cebu, Philippines (where the song originated), listening to this lively popular visayan song being played on the radio. I never thought that this song would gain recognition abroad. A great performance from a very good choir.
07-10-23 03:41:34
ellalapiz ::: Favorites
awesome!!!I really enjoyed listening to it!!!It's gives butterfly on my stomach while listening to it!!! so exciting!!!good job...
07-10-22 18:38:49
jiovaniequintana ::: Favorites
ahaha.. Ireally enjoyed it.. hearing from you guys.
07-10-10 08:19:18
jmartinfazon ::: Favorites
The accent was definitely funny. But no offense ofcourse. Try listening to Filipino versions.
07-10-07 08:21:49
naunsamanioi ::: Favorites
hahahahah i hope they know what the meaning of song they are singing!!!!! love it !!!
07-10-06 04:13:04
verojas20 ::: Favorites
Amazing ! I'm a Rondalla member here in NJ/NY/CT and I always like to play this piece . Nganong mu criticize pa ning si Vloodz ., Ug ikaw mu kantag tinagalog kataw-an sad ka sa mga tagalog . Saba na lang dinha bai .....
07-10-04 01:05:37
ChristineSoriano12 ::: Favorites
07-10-02 12:46:23
Vloodz ::: Favorites
very good but the accent bwehehhehehe im from cebu and my family was like amaze by their effort but we are laughing at the accent hehehehhehe
07-09-30 12:31:43
Saiaopinoi ::: Favorites
Heheh That cute hmmm. I really love this funny Visayan Balitaw. Seeing it performed by foreigners is very exciting.
07-09-24 07:14:16


Duration: 05:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-22 10:39:52
User: forcetherules
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Failier90 ::: Favorites
there is a lack of love lack of love ... there should be a lot of love lot of love... i think ;) but actually i dont really know
07-10-24 17:01:59
fololoo ::: Favorites
the melody's sooo hoot!!! la mélodie est si choodee!! les pompiers c'est le "18" pour la france!! lol
07-10-19 00:32:43
Toffel14 ::: Favorites
what does he sing in the beginning and at 3:20? "There should be a lot of love lot of love lot of love lot of love"?
07-10-18 12:00:28
easternRAT ::: Favorites
Good lyrics, good voice, good sound. Best Artist :D
07-10-17 04:18:57
Anni8807 ::: Favorites
Patrice is one of the best!
07-09-28 08:33:03
Jacksons1994 ::: Favorites
You can try on gnutella, emule, or some other peer-to-peer software on the net.
07-09-24 14:15:10
websimo ::: Favorites
sombody know, in wich album is this song? Tnks a lot, is lot time that i serch to buy but in Italy is not available. Webismo
07-09-24 13:52:05
andrembarbosa ::: Favorites
07-09-22 18:44:33
shauri89 ::: Favorites
lovin' this song! 'I said I need you like the moon needs the sun to shine'...
07-09-07 08:18:42
konbasket ::: Favorites
07-08-30 16:47:10

cancion para roberta y diego

Duration: 02:49 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-05-10 02:07:55
User: domian
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hasen una cancion para diego y roberta. y giovani dice que hacen esto todos los diaz


princesshpidhun ::: Favorites
me encanta!! jajaja arriba diego y roberta!!! (podeis ver más videos suyos en mi channel :P)
07-10-03 15:03:05
tonycora ::: Favorites
super chistoso. dyr 4 ever!!!!!!
07-09-01 11:53:39
popgirl212 ::: Favorites
por favor para los que sepan eso fue un invento de la novela no fue ninguna cancion de rbd
07-08-31 19:59:17
Mariajo7Dul ::: Favorites
Me Encantó jaja
07-08-30 16:36:27
rwayforever ::: Favorites
pero por dios quien escribio sta idiotez jaja sientate ninita dime q paso chikita jajaja dale no s por ofender pero n serio definitivamente rebelde no les llega ni a los talones a REBELDE WAY s verdad y para q nececitan microfonos si no stan cantando idiotez d cuarta
07-08-26 09:06:40
eoiriseo ::: Favorites
07-08-23 12:26:45
miamorteam ::: Favorites
los amo
07-08-14 15:21:12
chatina14 ::: Favorites
lo k dicen ryd es su cncion o lo stan inventando
07-08-10 07:38:39
lamala93 ::: Favorites
jeje ta bien!!!
07-07-27 03:59:06
ChrisUckermann4ever ::: Favorites
whicha wa wa wa LMFAO!!!!!
07-06-27 16:19:20

Final Fantasy: Zack Vs. Sephiroth

Duration: 03:15 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-12 05:47:52
User: clampsno1fan
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This is the battle between Zack and Sephiroth put to music... bascially, I got bored, hehe. ザックとセフィロスのバトルと音楽... 本当では、眠いになるでした、ヘヘ。


GirlMth ::: Favorites
I Love Zack, Cloud And Aerith =) My Friend Was Like: "They Can Fly? I Mean Jump Like That?! Thats Not Possible!" Then I Said: "...ehem...SO EVERYTHING ELSE IS?!" I love this vid its awsome
07-10-13 13:45:42
Lexuchiha ::: Favorites
Sephiroth kicks ass. He's just so cool. the amv is very well done and i love the song from ff 10. 10\10
07-09-04 19:30:01
yagami87 ::: Favorites
Zack is kick ass. Love it when he protects Cloud. Wish I had a friend like that!! Lol.
07-08-05 20:01:12
Kuroshiken ::: Favorites
Fuckin kick ass!!! that song was from FF10 love this fight!
07-07-07 19:24:31
cloudlvr93 ::: Favorites
It comes with the FFVII Advent Children Special Edition DVD
07-07-04 20:31:25
metastryfe ::: Favorites
were can i fine it
07-07-04 18:08:17
cloudlvr93 ::: Favorites
It's called Last Order, but it's just a short movie
07-07-04 17:48:52
bendermeister ::: Favorites
Nice Vid!:D
07-06-27 11:54:24
metastryfe ::: Favorites
hole shit ff7 was a cartoon wtf was it called ??? tell me someone
07-06-27 00:28:54
animelover323 ::: Favorites
sweet vid^_^
07-04-14 14:30:29

Happy Birthday to ME!

Duration: 00:45 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-26 21:04:59
User: javaberii
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26 26 26 26!!! This is REALLY RANDOM!! GET READY!


SmoothCriminalAaron ::: Favorites
Hey, Were Can I downlad The Wazupwitu Video. It was In this!
07-08-20 21:54:47
javaberii ::: Favorites
I got it a long time ago from doodoofan,com but I dont think its there anymore :(
07-08-20 23:36:10
SmoothCriminalAaron ::: Favorites
Ok Ill try it
07-08-21 08:39:27
Ashvaria ::: Favorites
hahahaha this is so crazy:DDD
07-07-14 11:55:29
notZcrazyZZZyesZiZam ::: Favorites
omg....WHAT just happened??? LOL
07-06-20 22:57:24
UpDownMostly ::: Favorites
07-06-18 18:06:10
CheapRobot ::: Favorites
07-06-17 14:56:51
Dorito95 ::: Favorites
uhh... WOW!
07-06-14 20:26:56
hockeylady ::: Favorites
hey meg happy b-day to you happy b-day to you happy b-day happy b-day happy b-day to you!
07-05-29 21:56:45
hotelangel ::: Favorites
Happy Birthday!
07-05-27 08:16:57

UK Whose Line S9E08 Cricket Hoedown

Duration: 02:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-19 12:53:24
User: nk3d
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A hoedown about cricket. Greg has one of my favorite verses here.


zuzu16 ::: Favorites
"Beer" rhymes with "queer". ... at least, that's what I think he meant.
07-10-24 19:41:15
ambush77777 ::: Favorites
I didnt get gregs. someone explain plz
07-10-22 17:27:44
Gr33nday000 ::: Favorites
07-10-22 16:30:03
wander099 ::: Favorites
Debi is horrible, Greg is awesome and Colin and Ryan are alright. Greg so wins this one, though sticky wicket was a good one.
07-10-13 13:44:52
liger636 ::: Favorites
lmao go greg
07-09-16 06:08:44
wulfie13jr ::: Favorites
* But everytime he shows up
07-09-04 13:49:43
wulfie13jr ::: Favorites
When I went to Lords It was quite a treat I saw a player there Who you'll never beat He plays there a lot His name is the rain But everytime he shows He just draws the game
07-09-04 13:48:56
Noideaforausername ::: Favorites
Every time I watch this I skip Debi's part. Gerg was awesome in this one. Colin did great too.
07-09-01 02:23:41
SpinnerMC ::: Favorites
The girls voice makes my ears bleed. And of course Greg pwns. Colin giving it his all. Ryan is alright, sticky wicket.
07-08-30 20:47:13
Ansuzie ::: Favorites
Very clever
07-08-18 18:20:34

Lars Ulrich on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire"

Duration: 08:20 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-12 11:09:01
User: BassFace1
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Lars Ulrich from Metallica on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" (part 2 of 2) (part 1 is here: )


thrash232 ::: Favorites
i wonder y ppl hate him hes a funny dude
07-05-26 18:49:53
jebusxxl ::: Favorites
lmfao where did u get it....from napster? lmfao
07-05-25 19:17:47
velcrogrin ::: Favorites
As a fan from Metalica's Cliff Burton heydey, this video is sur-fucking-real.
07-05-23 13:31:03
SISLSYSA ::: Favorites
I didnt understand what he asked him
07-05-23 06:45:54
adroj182 ::: Favorites
ok ok, I commited a mistake, I should have been more logic... sorry Regards
07-05-22 17:58:42
asonnamego ::: Favorites
what kinda of dumb question is this?and doesn´t Lars Ulrich has enough money to be playing this? He is playing for carity, says right at the start.
07-05-22 17:45:34
Edkired ::: Favorites
Are one of those promotional episodes where Famous People play the game and the money is given to carity societies and such. He's not playing for his own sake, hehe. And as u can see in the back ground u got actors, a rapper, another singer etc. etc
07-05-22 12:51:12
leolehto ::: Favorites
he is damm smart i im from finland but i wouldn`t know those quetions
07-05-21 07:59:03
stoephoer22 ::: Favorites
He's good and smart xD
07-05-18 13:46:30
primusbass ::: Favorites
lol at lars, hes a funny guy, even though people give him stick. LARS FOR LIFE :)
07-05-18 10:59:48