Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Elveda derken 24 part 4

Duration: 10:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-14 16:31:16
User: diziizlee
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first kickflip
rave in the locker!
On the other side of the glass ceiling
Gündeme Dair-İlyas Yılmazer bölüm 9


My top 13 Favorite Beatles Albums

Duration: 11:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-20 05:42:25
User: AeroBeatlesDoorsLed
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the  beatles  john  lennon  paul  mccartney  george  harrison  ringo  starr  


title explains all


AeroBeatlesDoorsLed ::: Favorites  2008-02-01 18:12:54

i just uploaded a video of it if u still wanna know
AeroBeatlesDoorsLed ::: Favorites  2008-01-28 22:25:13

my favorite song......... man thats a tough one....... idk ill do a video of it so i can think more of it
florsails ::: Favorites  2008-01-28 22:23:48

what is your favourite song?
AeroBeatlesDoorsLed ::: Favorites  2008-01-20 16:24:33

yeah i like your list too i only disagree with let it be. but we both can agree that the beatles rock
beatlesfan4ever13 ::: Favorites  2008-01-20 13:07:43

well this is your opinion, well made video i liked it i only disagree in help! i think it was the first mature beatle album

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The Uncensored N0obL3t
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Thanksgiving Special part 05 2007
Crow's Tranformation


Every Time we Touch.....perfected!!!

Duration: 03:14 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-24 20:33:37
User: grettel2587
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grettel  diana  funny  everytime  touch  backwards  


this is what one does when being bored....we had so much fun!! this is diana and me[grettel]


hliu376 ::: Favorites  2007-08-24 22:10:45

1st 2 comment =)
hliu376 ::: Favorites  2007-08-24 21:32:49

cool bored?

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Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz
Israeli people
Lemming Ball 3D
Ouran Rewrite
fall out boy mexico 2007


sıla 54 part 2

Duration: 10:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-11 13:58:03
User: diziizlee
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AselLyoK ::: Favorites  2008-01-13 21:39:01

lol nope too far! haha
murtim ::: Favorites  2008-01-13 17:55:42

where are you from if you are in LA we can arrange something loll ;)
AselLyoK ::: Favorites  2008-01-12 06:19:11

turkish guys r HOT) i understand couple of words lol I like Ozcan Deniz) tho hes from the other drama!
sinirden ::: Favorites  2008-01-11 19:25:05

sori silacik,burda yollarimiz ayriliy,ben baska diziye gidiyom,ilginc bisey yok
DlLay ::: Favorites  2008-01-11 16:27:16

kendime bi T-Shirt yaptircam, üzerinde: HEP BENIM YÜZÜMDEN yazan :) Silayi izledigimi herkez bir cümleden anlicak :)

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Sonic's Schoolhouse - also clocks
Blind & One step Closer
"Sunken Treasure" trick
3 - Samson - Vice Versa
I don't want your LOSER!


Patriots lose Super Bowl XLII

Duration: 02:34 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-03 23:34:58
User: PittPanthers93
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new  york  england  patriots  giants  super  bowl  XLII  tom  brady  eli  manning  randy  moss  michael  strahan  


The Pursuit of Perfection has ended! All photos were from and Honors for This Video: #9 - Most Discussed (Today) - Sports #57 - Most Viewed (Today) - Sports #54 - Top Favorites (Today) - Sports #44 - Top Rated (Today) - Sports


gunsnrosesss ::: Favorites  2008-02-04 19:58:58

we suck? probably because we beat the shit out of your team faggot 18-1 greatest record ever #1 qb 2 of the best wr
gunsnrosesss ::: Favorites  2008-02-04 19:58:18

the patriots suck? you fucking idiot we have the best record in history, no one but us has won 18 games straight.
hsmiscool123 ::: Favorites  2008-02-04 19:41:06

man u dont know how upset I am cause the Patriots lost. They had a perfect season but then BOOM! We lose! Wherever you are Tom dont worry you will get a comeback and so will yo Randy Moss.
underOATH273 ::: Favorites  2008-02-04 19:24:36

hahahaah yeah that right i bet its awful quiet up there in boston right now all that shit talking caught up with you guys lol and the first thing they say isnt about the pats its about there hope for a good baseball season lol doubt it
rhickle ::: Favorites  2008-02-04 19:10:19

patriots suck and brady swallows.

Other Video Blog Entries

Junior: Eurovision 2006 - Sweden - Molly - det finaste nagon
"StoProcent Tour (Peja, Kaczor, Gural, Pih, Borixon, Kajman,
Team RaijinShoryu recruits Cody (Gou-San)
bongo drumming basic lessons at
The Answer Man pre-Weezer


scattered about by Jesse Stutsman(redo)

Duration: 03:52 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-04 13:30:13
User: stealurface1976
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jesse  stutsman  original  acoustic  song  brantford  


oh you. believe in every word you say, oh yea yea but sometimes, reality can fade away, away to grey but you gotta pick it up, you gotta sort it out before it ends up all scattered about, oh yea and I, keep on reeling on through the years without a trace and will I, ever get a chance to face my fears the human race but i gotta pick it up, i gotta sort it out before it ends up all scattered about, oh yea i try, but it always seems to end up wrong, and thats why, i can never sing a different song oh no no no no but i gotta pick it up, gotta sort it out before it ends up all scattered about


stealurface1976 ::: Favorites  2007-11-12 18:51:27

hey thanks...found the coat at a second hand store...had to grab it...all old school
mattyohara ::: Favorites  2007-11-12 14:31:42

really godd and oh yeah a kappa tracky :P
stealurface1976 ::: Favorites  2007-11-08 06:45:12

hey thanks alot...though i havent written much lately
JustLikeIcarus ::: Favorites  2007-11-07 15:42:41

im SO impressed. AND a great songwriter?! wow...
acousticj ::: Favorites  2007-05-09 08:42:05

The dogs Jesse. Frikkin awesome

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Michael Jordan practices with Charlotte Bobcats
Human Traffic-Puffin the Herb
CaSper- Make It Big
Playing Card Skyscraper Collapses
missing them



Duration: 08:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-06 01:21:58
User: potatofarts
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proof  science  god  jesus  christian  thirst  food  exist  existence  divine  monkey  water  


Although it is impossible to prove or disprove God's existence, this is my attept at the whole thing. Comment! Subscribe!


potatofarts ::: Favorites  2007-08-24 21:33:16

I love the scientific method. It is the long way around. But divinity and science can walk hand in hand.
potatofarts ::: Favorites  2007-08-24 21:32:38

Thank you very much. I'd be interesting in hearing your side too.
goodgodurall ::: Favorites  2007-08-08 19:20:13

Very informative. Great video.
potatofarts ::: Favorites  2006-11-13 21:46:54

mf103 ::: Favorites  2006-11-13 09:02:04

Sorry, didn't realise. I'll watch it.

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Rabbit Agility
Macho Dragon
Rob & Big...
FREEWAY by rain (bi)-=(vocals by me)
I Love You: The Movie


Justin King (and the Apologies) - Change

Duration: 04:02 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-18 04:20:35
User: DrDread
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justin  king  apologies  change  arlene  grocery  guitar  rock  indie  tapping  solo  ehren  ebbage  drew  dresman  nadir  jeevanjee  


Justin playing Change at Arlene's Grocery (I forgot which state :$). It's not that bad of a performance, and as usual, the breakdown/solo is seriously heavyyy. Gotta love that Taylor. This video (as well as the other Arlene's Grocery ones) is courtesy of Stephen De Souza; thanks Stephen for making such awesome vids!


DrDread ::: Favorites  2007-12-19 16:18:23

LocalsLive ::: Favorites  2007-12-18 21:31:16

I honestly think that the new version is better, as if it were actually possible.
aclockheart ::: Favorites  2007-12-13 18:00:46

I'm a musican so this is bugging me ... what the heck is the meter on the re-entry? I've always wondered what they were doing there ... it sounds incredible ...
Vaughanabe13 ::: Favorites  2007-11-16 13:18:15

I really wish he was still playing that glorious Taylor. The new guitar just can't hold a candle IMO
Worstification ::: Favorites  2007-10-23 03:07:43

I like this better than the video really. Maybe because this makes the song more real and less studio-tuned. In any case, well done guys.

Other Video Blog Entries

We are SriLankan
me sugar high(this is an act)
Whitetail Deer - 11-20-07


A Poland - Road To EURO 2008 / Polska-Droga Do EURO 2008

Duration: 08:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-21 14:36:43
User: przemix10
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EURO  2008  Poland  Polska  Droga  Boruc  Zurawski  Smolarek  Polacy  Kibice  


Droga naszych chlopcow do Mitrzostw Europy w 2008 roku =]


anyalaz26 ::: Favorites  2008-01-30 10:43:34

nasi kochani pilkaze od zawsze z wami polscy kibice
Arvalorn ::: Favorites  2007-12-15 17:32:49

thanks amigo^^'
przemix10 ::: Favorites  2007-12-14 06:59:56

Zuzanna Szreder-Bialo czerwoni Marek Torzewski - do boju polsko Czerwone Gitary - Polska to my Artur Gadowski & Grzegorz Markowski & Ryszard Rynkowski - Najlepsi Z Najlepszych
1910chris ::: Favorites  2007-12-11 13:02:42

Jakie sa tytuły piosenek ktore leca w tle??
raulishoogallagher ::: Favorites  2007-12-08 16:23:09

congratulations from mexico, poland !!!

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あり得ない装備のトラックが走行している面白映像 CheeZ チーズ
Indian Boarding Schools - Native American Cherokee Carlisle
Alexandrea Lushington - My Funny Valentine American Idol
Andrzej Lampert-Szansa Na Sukces 15lecie(1część)



Duration: 04:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-16 10:29:18
User: Burch9
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Nerd  Butt  cheak  Cheesy  Dumbass  Burch9  Bad  cover  Jackson  browne  these  days  burch9  folk  guitar  


Jackson Brownes These Days, Bass and camerawork by santanaanatnas, my fantastic niece! Cheesy outdoor vid!!


bbsb300 ::: Favorites  2007-09-16 17:15:00

Very very chessy Jerry, but never mind you carried it,oops nearly lost your camerawomwan ;)
OLDENpopovVictor ::: Favorites  2007-09-15 03:12:23

orangepeels03 ::: Favorites  2007-08-18 10:20:13

THAT WAS A VERY BRILLIANT RAW IDEA J* im so amazed.. ur niece, shes talented, she really made this one different. :-)* lemme crown u w a 5's *M*
Burch9 ::: Favorites  2007-08-09 11:28:41

dArLeNewk ::: Favorites  2007-08-09 10:33:09

I am confused is this Burch9 singing,are is the video's on his channel famous singers? All I know is I am amazed no matter who this man is, he can play the heck out of the guitar,& has a very nice voice!!!

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My Doggy Sophie - And Her Dad, BillyRay
If We Make It Through December - As Sung By BillyRay


FSX Online Air Traffic Control

Duration: 06:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-18 21:14:52
User: Skaladar
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FSX  ATC  flight  simulator  


A few simple views of online air traffic control in FSX. This video was recorded at New York's JFK Int'l airport under various conditions. Viewed from the tower, a 747 takes off, is tracked by radar as the pilot circles then lands on the same runway


seb13gp ::: Favorites  2008-01-24 10:00:33

not if there is people playing
goblue237 ::: Favorites  2008-01-21 01:38:19

Now, this is just me... but why would anyone do the ATC? Isn't it boring?
RareLinkinParkSongs ::: Favorites  2008-01-20 15:44:14

nope, it will only show if you have the other players paints/airplane installed :)
hansonator69 ::: Favorites  2008-01-20 05:28:22

how do you see other airline paints on multiplayer fsx? what i mean is that will it still show other peoples airplane paint if you don't have the paint in your system?
Th3DoM1naToR ::: Favorites  2008-01-19 20:29:40

u can only have a-z

Haunted Plantation Night (Oct262007)

Duration: 00:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-27 17:47:47
User: MaddieKD
:::: Favorites
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haunted  plantation  night  dancing  






Duration: 11:26 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-18 07:15:37
User: Duowei
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duowei  dwnews  多维  中国  焦点访谈  




kokxb ::: Favorites  2008-01-18 16:50:09

吐啊 吐啊 吐啊 就习惯了
cdlww ::: Favorites  2008-01-18 15:23:51

pengyuebupt ::: Favorites  2008-01-18 13:03:53
