Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Best Cartoon Couples in the History of EVER!!!!!!

Duration: 06:12 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-03 20:27:33
User: Artimischick07
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Raikim Jackkat Shadrouge Sonamy Tailsmo Wavejet Butchercup Bubblesbom Blossobrick. If you have NEVER heard of any of these couples, you are REQUIERED to veiw this. Not realy but watch anyway. If you HAVE herd of these couples, GOOD 4 U!!!!! u have been graced by an AWSOME couple.


Chasefan123 ::: Favorites
Just one question what was with the pic of knuckles, no offense but that was totally random I mean Knouge is soooooo much better than shadouge
07-10-04 17:36:38
kcasas4472 ::: Favorites
this kinda suxed
07-09-29 23:27:24
rosemunky ::: Favorites
I love these couples but I like blossomxdexter better
07-09-23 09:23:56
StrawberryMirror ::: Favorites
SonAmy is NO. I swear, it's the most overrated couple in the universe. Flame me all you want, but it's stupid. Not a ShadOuge fan either.
07-09-22 16:22:26
Aninha95 ::: Favorites
Powerpuff girls is gayyyyyy
07-09-07 12:50:05
hanhanhaha1313 ::: Favorites
i love this song.
07-09-01 14:28:30
nekomiaumiau ::: Favorites
sonic x so baad
07-08-23 18:38:01
Onyxstatue ::: Favorites
1:30 isint Raikim its Benkim (Ben 10)
07-08-15 17:17:14
arcticEspeon ::: Favorites
If by 'best' you ment 'worst', then i'd have to agree
07-08-12 19:30:49
RSforsevers ::: Favorites
Shadouge will happen dose anyone think that Silver their son
07-08-09 11:20:41

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