Saturday, October 27, 2007

One upon a December - Hitomi

Duration: 03:45 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-02 14:27:28
User: smallvillebaby
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This vid took me about 4 hours and I only have three episodes so bare with me. The song is Once upon a decemer from anastasia


Okino52788 ::: Favorites
That was actually really good. Great job with only three episodes!!
07-06-26 12:18:37
sumikins ::: Favorites
Um.... Anastasia is NOT a Disney film.
07-06-16 01:57:24
frightened ::: Favorites
>< just because you only used three episodes doesn't mean this amv didn't rock!! that was great! I just got done watching the episodes on On Demand, but it's only up to episode 5+the movie. do you have the episodes?
07-04-28 05:51:16
BreaksForFruitcups ::: Favorites
"Amano...Amono Senpai..." That popped into my head as I watched. Don't know why.
07-04-20 18:54:28
Jesusphr34k ::: Favorites
EXTREMELY good! Especially for only 3 episodes!!! I own the whole series and can't do this!! ... but that's cuz I don't know how to get them onto the compy.
07-03-24 15:38:42
tekiel ::: Favorites
Wow, I'd like to see what you could do with more episodes. This was pretty good!
07-03-20 22:35:36
soulastar ::: Favorites
I actually really enjoyed this. The subtitles were a little offputting, but the ending made it so romantic. It was nicely done and a great song! Yay.
07-02-28 15:08:55
Xploratio ::: Favorites
wow .. i think its pretty well done :) .. the subtitles were disturbing but ah well .. its a lot of merit doing something this good with so little footage ..:) i cant do that anymore haha id need LOTS of footage for my stuff .. ah well nice vid really .. Kudos :)
07-02-10 21:44:03

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