Friday, October 19, 2007

St Philip's Boys Choir Sing Forever 1988

Duration: 03:21 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-11 19:56:39
User: notyobs
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From the 1988 Children in Need (not, apparently, 1987 as I originally thought.)


notyobs ::: Favorites
One of yes, but not THE first. There's at least one other video going back slightly further, the San Damiano one, posted by paulban
07-04-22 19:17:04
law7988 ::: Favorites
Type in San Damiano and you will see an image of Sal Solo posted about a week ago. It is not in my code name.
07-04-02 03:37:53
notyobs ::: Favorites
I keep looking for it, but it sez you ain't got any vids!
07-04-01 22:26:51
law7988 ::: Favorites
If you see my video on 'San Damiano' just posted. You will see six St. Philip's boys in late 1984 singing along with Sal Solo with one microphone between two. In this case thay had a backing track which they all sang along to. Sal 'mimes the guitar'though.
07-04-01 10:59:58
notyobs ::: Favorites
Just a thought, but is the fact we can't see any mic's proof? They're pretty good with mic's nowadays aren't they, and choristers are pretty good at projecting their voices.
07-03-31 20:04:41
notyobs ::: Favorites
If that's the case, you have to admire the boys for their perfect lip-synching! I suspect they were probably singing as normal... to a backing track. It relly is perfect timing though, isn't it?
07-03-31 20:03:10
law7988 ::: Favorites
I also can see no microphones so definitely singing along to a 'playback'. Sorry about that.
07-03-31 17:28:19
law7988 ::: Favorites
As it was on BBC it was most likely singing along to a 'playback' or singing to a backing track which is the usual policy.
07-03-31 17:25:28
notyobs ::: Favorites
One thing I wonder is, where are those mens voices coming from towards the end? Are they coming off a keyboard, are there real men hiding behind the scenes, were they singing to a track which already had men's voices on it or, horrors.... was the whole thing pre-recorded (please no!)
07-03-23 19:46:24
notyobs ::: Favorites
I've got another beautiful thing she recorded from Norwich Cathedral somewhere... I'll have to dig it out, there are other things too... I'll have to have a good sort out.
07-03-23 06:14:18

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