Saturday, January 19, 2008

GOP Debate: The classic "raise hand" question

Duration: 00:10 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-13 19:57:06
User: BilliamTheSnowman
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cnn  youtube  republican  debate  global  warming  real  billiam  the  snowman  returns  please  raise  your  hand  mitt  romney  


Billiam the Snowman returns with his answer to the infamous "raise your hand if you don't believe in evolution" question. For most of us there is no doubt that global warming is both real and dangerous, yet there are still some Americans who disagree on both counts. Check out the following link to see what NASA has to say about global warming and its effect on all of us: Created by Nathan and Greg Hamel Voiced by Greg Hamel Hometown: Minneapolis, MN


SeattleGuy1968 ::: Favorites  2007-11-28 20:20:34

er, not carbon offset, - increased carbon dioxide.
SeattleGuy1968 ::: Favorites  2007-11-28 20:16:40

earth's temp is changing, but I don't believe the carbon offset is causing it anymore.
catchthemtail ::: Favorites  2007-11-21 19:42:23

here a new question for you-why is mercandise is ship to our southern states from the north cost less to buy, how come people in the north get 30%more in wages , doing the same job as we do in the south.why is our childern is taught half-truth in history in school.
jmaximo2007 ::: Favorites  2007-11-07 17:56:14

How is it possible that three educated persons could obliterate a vast amount of scientific evidence that has been proven to be a rational and coherent theory? I can not even fathom voting for someone who is blind to plain facts and reality in order to validate some subjective belief. If a candidate can deny these facts in favor of a misplaced religious conviction, what other facts is that candidate capable of doubting?
NoMoreBlatherDotCom ::: Favorites  2007-09-15 17:02:00

Let's all send Billiam a heat lamp. His previous crap question helped CNN avoid asking real questions, and this crap question just might do the same. If you want to find out their positions on global warming, look at their sites, speeches, and the like. Then, ask a question about their specific positions. Otherwise, you're just enabling CNN to do another public disservice.
archerninja ::: Favorites  2007-09-15 02:45:56

*raises hand*
gamemaste ::: Favorites  2007-09-14 15:55:36

global warming is real!! (sorry for double post)
gamemaste ::: Favorites  2007-09-14 15:55:09

freecellfreaky ::: Favorites  2007-09-14 00:03:03

haha, i would love to see this question asked

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