Duration: 03:04 minutes Upload Time: 2007-12-27 22:32:51 User: cycle924 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Obama interview with Wolf Blitzer 12/27/07 |
Comments | |
varleypi ::: Favorites 2007-12-29 13:42:40 How? __________________________________________________ | |
raaseclaat ::: Favorites 2007-12-29 12:49:46 This confirms barack "OBAMFREY" is not ready for the world stage but instead would be a perfect President for oprah "OBAMFREY" book club. __________________________________________________ | |
varleypi ::: Favorites 2007-12-29 03:50:07 No - but the US government could have targeted Al Qaeda rather than Iraq. Everyone that voted for the Iraq war must accept the outcome - which is commonly held today to be a misallocation of funds. __________________________________________________ | |
psychodrew ::: Favorites 2007-12-29 01:13:44 So Clinton was responsible for Bhutto's assassination? __________________________________________________ | |
varleypi ::: Favorites 2007-12-28 22:03:36 Clinton wants it all- she claims she has the "experience" of foreign policy that would make her a better President, yet her votes in the Senate do not back that up. You decide who was right; Clinton voting for the war on Iraq, or Obama voting against it? I believe Axelrod is 100% correct here in demonstrating Clinton's lack of judgment. The issue around Bhutto's unfortunate death has escalated because time is running out for Americans to decide who would make the best judgment next time. __________________________________________________ | |
loper11p34 ::: Favorites 2007-12-28 19:05:31 Please Obama just go away. You are too inexperienced __________________________________________________ | |
americafirst101 ::: Favorites 2007-12-28 16:47:24 let this shithead get in the whitehouse, and then you will see his true self... he will be on the whitehouse lawn 5 times a day with his face towards mecca..... __________________________________________________ | |
loper11p34 ::: Favorites 2007-12-28 15:40:05 It is just awful to try and listen to him He makes no sense and the stuttering is gross Please BO go back to the senate __________________________________________________ | |
DemKR ::: Favorites 2007-12-28 15:17:30 i i i i i iii __________________________________________________ | |
honeystung ::: Favorites 2007-12-28 14:03:26 Barack Obama is a nice guy who is in WAYYYYYY over his head. __________________________________________________ | |
bloviathan2 ::: Favorites 2007-12-28 10:47:05 I guess Hillary's like Bush. She wants credit for being around, but doesn't want anyone holding her responsible for anything she says or does. __________________________________________________ | |
x429960 ::: Favorites 2007-12-28 08:38:58 Al Qaeda's resurgent, they're a powerful force now in Pakistan, they may have been involved " we've been here, so I don't know whether the news has been updated, but there's a suspicion they may have been involved in this. I think his judgment was good. Sen. Clinton made a different judgment, so let's have that discussion. __________________________________________________ | |
x429960 ::: Favorites 2007-12-28 08:38:28 AXELROD: Well, it puts on the table foreign policy judgment, and that's a discussion we welcome. Barack Obama had the judgment to oppose the war in Iraq, and he warned at the time it would divert us from Afghanistan and Al Qaeda, and now we see the effect of that. __________________________________________________ | |
x429960 ::: Favorites 2007-12-28 08:37:25 This was the question Obama's campaign was responding to. REPORTER: But looking ahead, does the assassination put on the front burner foreign policy credentials in the closing days? __________________________________________________ | |
ancientk85 ::: Favorites 2007-12-28 07:34:11 The title to this videoclip is misleading. Please listen to Obama's comments carefully before putting such a bias title. __________________________________________________ |
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Obama defends politicization of Bhutto's death
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