Monday, April 14, 2008

Dear mr Jesus lyrics

Duration: 04:06 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-06 15:52:56

an abused child prayer...


elffy15  2008-04-09 13:22:21 i was at a dance compotion and they did a dance to this song and i couldn't stop thinking about it...... i still don't get why people take out their anger on their little, tiny children who all they do to their parents is love them..... WHYYYYYY???
elffy15  2008-04-06 22:02:02

how sad is this??????
kimmyp1983  2008-04-06 04:41:43

As the step-mom of two children who were beaten by their mother, I cried my eyes out when I got to the chorus of this song. I couldn't stop thinking about those kids and what I would do if they were ever hurt again.
newboys95  2008-04-05 21:51:56

dude i agree with you that is really wrong i cried when I read that! That is so sad that people would think that way... I thank God for all the children in the world and it saddens my heart that people would even think that!!!! :'( God Bless You
bigblockchvyblzr  2008-04-03 16:22:56

thank you for posting this video. benn looking for it for a long time. very touching song

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