Monday, October 15, 2007

I broke this guys arm and it isn't funny!

Duration: 03:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-30 00:51:14
User: jackhammerslam316123
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this is serious i broke my mates wrist while perfroming the somoan drop. Reason for communication in matches. this isn't my proudest moment but jack wanted this online hope you're happy jack


adioskata32 ::: Favorites
thats retarded...
07-08-07 11:04:02
odin666uk ::: Favorites
lol lol lol barnsey is going to kill jack lmao lmao lmao and jack is a emo lmao
07-07-27 10:39:04
montysex87 ::: Favorites
oh i will tey lol
07-07-23 15:34:30
coasterc2u ::: Favorites
Its funny to me.
07-07-22 17:08:00
Dunikie01 ::: Favorites
Well I would but tickets to London are OUTRAGEOUS :p Im actually in Indiana USA. Try not to drop cars on your arm anymore :) Have Fun!
07-07-20 22:09:01
montysex87 ::: Favorites
im doin fine thats and yes we are in london if ya fancy havin a go email me jack_ thomas5@ hotmailcom lol and the commentator is brian and he is a very strange indevidual but he a good laugh lol
07-07-19 09:54:24
montysex87 ::: Favorites
u say it was my fault im the one who broke there arm it wasnt the move that was susposed to happen was a death valley driver not a samoan drop it WAS his fault
07-07-19 09:51:55
montysex87 ::: Favorites
dude neither of us were child im the bloke who broke his arm and im 20 and the bloke who broke my arm is 30 no children dumbass and as u can see from the vid a dislocated wrist and four brakes lol and it didnt hurt u just see me get up and say no more just broke me wrist call an ambulance and get me a fag lol
07-07-19 09:49:20
cristoballsoccer ::: Favorites
it mast hurt
07-07-05 18:10:08
justin564697 ::: Favorites
hahha sorry.
07-07-02 22:51:32

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