Monday, October 15, 2007

Retarded Preacher

Duration: 02:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-30 21:21:48
User: Demogorgo
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Witness a mentally retarded Christian evangelist. Featured in Randall Phillip's "Fuck #8: Terror Tape".


funksgirl1 ::: Favorites
David Ring spoke at my church years ago. He is an awesome person, and speaker. Too bad more people are not aware that God will bring the wrath of Heaven down on those that speak ill of the handidcapped. And on those who are not covered under the blood. I hope David has many more years to share the word. Maybe he can reach some of the Heaven-handicapped.
07-10-13 00:40:17
Brittklein28 ::: Favorites
Hes not retarded.. you ignorant fool. He has cerebral palsy. You jack ass. CP are found to be very smart
07-10-12 22:08:29
BURNJEWBURN ::: Favorites
this guy talks about up and he wants to ride gods cock.only thing is god doesnt have a cock.god has to strap a dildo on so he can fuck it.and im sure he molests little boys to.probobly even his own.he fucks them up and down.
07-10-07 19:02:20
BURNJEWBURN ::: Favorites
god is goddamn with it.go fuck your jew kike god up the ass.
07-10-07 18:50:43
BURNJEWBURN ::: Favorites
this has got to be the funniest shit ive ever seen.this guy is stupid as fucking shit.i cant believe he even believes in god as stupid as he is.all i no is he can fuck his kike jewfuck god up the goddamnass.
07-10-07 18:41:04
dwalto1 ::: Favorites
BTW this man's name is DAVID RING. He is not retarded. He has cerebral palsy. He is a dynamic speaker and travels all through the year.He has a beautiful wife and 4 children. Too bad you chopped this video up just to contort/pervert or present what you think this man is. This guy is sharp and takes good humored jabs at his audiences for being slow. He is the American Dream who happens to be a Christian. I've seen him twice, it was awesome! For more go to davidring dot org Love
07-10-07 16:51:51
horngay ::: Favorites
HAHAHAHAHAHA That was purely awesome.
07-10-02 05:55:22
BoBtheparrot7 ::: Favorites
That is rude im not even going to dignify that with a reasonable response.
07-09-24 17:47:42
necrosmith ::: Favorites
Christian retard? Redundant much?
07-09-19 18:50:40
blahdob ::: Favorites
"Too bad you chopped this video up just to contort/pervert or present what you think this man is." thats the internet for you.
07-09-19 15:56:40

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